Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Cinematography: final blog tasks

Cinematography: final blog tasks

Watch the following extract from Lawrence of Arabia (1962), directed by David Lean.

1.Discuss how the use of long shots creates tension and suspense in the sequence.
The cinematographer significantly uses Long shots to generate tension and suspense since the audience are unable to identify the character which creates enigma codes. The audience are unaware of the situation as well as the two characters closer to the camera. Furthermore, the frightened and confused look on the main character creates tension since the same emotion is reflected on the audience. 

2. Who are the audience encouraged to identify with
The audience are more engaged with the main character Lawrence due to the numerous of closeups of him. The producer wants the audience to identify and have personal relationship with Lawrence since hes the main image of the movie and determines the decisions made in the storyline.

Watch the following extract from Citizen Kane (1940), directed by Orson Welles.

1.Discuss the various shots and camera movements and their effects.
The clip mostly consists of establishing shots however moves closer to median and close up shots. Tracking and pan shots are shown when showing the whole landscape in an establishing shot. The clip is very dull and dark creating an eerie and spooky atmosphere. 

2.How does the cinematography work with other aspects of film language you have studied to create 
The dark and dull atmosphere created by the lighting reinforcing it with long shots, really intimidates and frightens the audience since they do not know what is inside that house.  

Watch the following extract from Moulin Rouge (2001), directed by Baz Luhrmann.

1.Comment on how the various shots and camera movements help to introduce the story.
The various of shots and camera movements shows binary opposition since in the beginning, closeup shot is taken to see the powerful and sad emotions expressed. Whereas, in the other scene, tracking shot is taken to capture everyone dancing full of joy while the man cries.

2.How does the cinematography work with other aspects of film language?
A very dim lighting is used when there is a close up of the man typing. This changes the whole mood and reinforces the emotion the man is exhibiting. Whereas, in the other location, alot of high key lighting is used to express realism while the people dance happily.   

 Watch the following extract from Three Colours: Blue (1993), directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski.

1.How does the use of close-up shots enhance our understanding of the narrative?
The tires moving at a very fast pace foreshadows something terrible in the future as it builds tension and suspense as continues to its destination. The close up of the worried little girl creates enigma codes for the audience to resolve and understand the narrative. 

2.Discuss the emotional impact of the sequence. How do the close-ups contribute to this? 
The close up of the little girl's worried look evokes sympathy from the audience since they are unaware of the reason why shes upset. This creates an emotional atmosphere since the audience are worried for the girl's well being as well as conveying their thought and feelings towards the scenario that is going to happen which they know is inevitable.  

Editing blog task

In the begin of the clip '21 jump street' it starts of with an establishing shot of the school then changes when the the transition moves to focus on what is happening inside the school. A reverse shot is taken place to show the strong chemistry between the two main characters. The sequence draws the audience's attention straight to the two boys using a quick over the shoulder transition between their conversation. This allows the audience to have a firm idea who the protagonists are and who needs to be sympathised when hurt or in danger. Later on in the clip, the editor uses wipe effect from one shot to another to emphasis their history and bond they have created through past experiences. The first 20 seconds of the clip demonstrates a flashback of their memories together at school, this will force the audience to generate vicarious pleasure when watching the clip since friendship and loyalty is shown to their man strive to success. The audience will be intrigued by their past life and relationship and eventually show emotional attraction towards them. The clip moves on from them arguing to a match on action scene of them two wrestling. The smooth and perfect shot movement from two clips convey clever editing skills as two emotions are exhibited when a long shot changes two median/close up. This quickly generates another emotion from getting slammed to showing the facial expressions of the person feeling the outcome of the action.

In addition, at 0:42, there is a long shot of two gang members creating a very negative atmosphere, then shifts to a close up of them holding a cigar. The editor significantly uses dip to black continuous amount of times to create fast pace editing while shots being taken from a low angle. The low angle connotes the character being intimidating and overpowering; the fast pace editing emphasises their superiority over the thugs and depicts that the two men in police uniform oppress any crime breaking the laws of society. Furthermore, the scene located at 1:07 demonstrates a point of view shot shifting from one perspective to another. This fast pace dialogue creates tension and foreshadows a terrible moment where this undercover work they are undergoing is going to end up horribly wrong. This informs the audience that mistakes in this mission will lead to many action codes. This leads on to them preparing for the mission therefore the editor uses jump cuts as soon as one reloads one gun to another at 2:37. This portrays their immense power they now control after being in possession with heavy rifles. The quick jump cuts reinforces their body language as they are starting to become more mature with what the scenario has escalated to.

Moreover, at 2:46 , the action scenes become very intense which is advocated with very fast pace editing. The action scenes then lead to a jump cut to something really loud and explicit. This is shown through match on action where a plate is smashed on a person's head resulting him to fall on the floor. The fast pace editing with all those variety of shots build tension towards the audience then ends the intensity with a huge bang. This will leave the audience with shock and confusion since the audience weren't told the reason for the action therefore, will create enigma codes that the audience will need to resort to by watching the whole movie to find out. Later on in the clip, at 2:55, there's an establishing shot taken place to get everyone's reaction towards the situation. The editor cleverly shows the damaged caused by the violence on the main character however, cuts the shot whenever the character speaks. This builds suspense since audiences are waiting to find out 'what hes feeling' or is 'he going to faint' but the scene shows binary opposition due to the explicit scene being shown and the happy atmosphere being projected when everyone starts jumping.  

Editing video


1. At home, girl1 waiting for boy1 to come home . Boy1 walks through the door while girl1 is sitting down with a dirty look on her face.
                                        Where the Ouff* have you been
                    None of that matters now, What matters now is you getting out of the country
                                             So take the Ouff* money
                                     What do you mean take this money                   
                               Why don't you understand that your life is in danger
              Ahh i'm running out of time, Take the money and your yourself and Angela out of                                                             the country quick as possible

 2. Boy1 walks out of the room and slams the door behind him.

Shot List
Shot No.
Median shot of boy1 dropping on the floor while boy2 stands behind the victim.
Point of view shot of boy1 walking towards the door.
Close-up shot of the handle being opened and boy1 walking past
Median/close up of girl1 saying “Where the ouff have you been”
Point of view shot of girl1 facing towards boy1. Boy1 replies saying “none of that matters now”
Over the shoulder shot of boy1 to see a clear emotional breakdown of girl1
Long shot of boy1 walking away and a tracking shot follows him while he gets up.
Close-up of the phone rings and boy1 hesitates to pick up.
Median/close up of boy1 on the phone.
Over the shoulder shot of boy2 walking towards boy 1 quietly.
Close-up shot of boy2 grabbing on to boy1
Median shot of boy1 dropping to his knees
Pan shot of boy2 pulling out a knife and using it on boy1
Closeup of boy1 dropping to the floor
Median/longshot of a flashback of boy1 punching boy3
(flashback)Point of view shot of boy2 walking up to his son(boy3)
Closeup of boy2 crying on boy3’s shoulder
Closeup shot of boy1 dropping to the floor in slow-motion.

Print magazine and Video production

Media production Print Magazine