Monday, April 29, 2019

The impact of new/digital media on TV

1) What does the 'industry' concept in A Level Media Studies refer to?
The ‘industry’ concept refers to the companies that create and distribute media texts, the standard practices of media production, as well as the regulatory and legal frameworks in which the companies operate. 

2) What does David Hesmondhalgh argue with regards to how the creative industries have changed since the 1980s?
in the 21st century. In the 1980s media companies began to see the benefit of synergy (see ‘Synergy rules OK?’, MM 14) at the same time that governments in the west, because of the decline of manufacturing industries, came to appreciate the economic benefits of having a strong ‘cultural’ sector (particularly the film, television and music industries).

3) Choose the three most significant points Hesmondhalgh makes regarding the changing cultural industries. Why are these the most significant in your view?
Cultural industries have moved closer to the centre of economic action there has been an increase in media. Corporations owning companies in different sectors of the industry. Globalisation has meant media texts can circulate more easily across borders reducing North.

4) What is technological convergence? 
Technological convergence; digitisation of media meant every media form could be accessed on computers. It was this that eventually enabled tech companies to compete directly with media companies and, arguably, even become media companies.

5) How are technology companies challenging traditional broadcasters in the TV industry?

For example, Amazon (originally an online book seller) is now producing its own ‘television’ programmes. In doing this it followed Netflix, which began as a postal DVD service, in ‘liberating’ television programmes from broadcasters’ schedules with on-demand viewing.

6) What budgets will Netflix, Amazon and Apple spend on original programming next year according to the article?

Next year Netflix plans to spend $8bn on original material; Amazon’s budget is estimated at $4.5bn. Apple has recently joined the fray with a $1bn spend.

7) How many countries are Netflix and Amazon available in?

 In 2016 Netflix simultaneously launched its service in 130 new countries, bringing its total to 190, and Amazon opened in 200.

8) The global nature of modern television means producers are having to consider international audiences when creating content. What example from Netflix does the article use to explain this?

Going global means they have to pay for the license to broadcast individual shows in different countries so another advantage of creating their own content is that Netflix or Amazon automatically own the copyright for the programmes and don’t have to purchase additional distribution permissions.

9) Do you think technology companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon will increase their interest in the 
television industry? 
Google, Facebook and amazon will increase their interest in the television industry as it is very profitable due to people starting to binge watch TV show which maximises revenue, For example Netflix is successful due to their audience binge watching; Google, Facebook, Amazon will take the same interest as them.   

10) How do changes in technology influence the creation of TV dramas such as Capital or Deutschland 83? How?
Changes in the tech influences the creation of TV dramas such as Capital and Duecshland 83 because most shows are on demand and can be watched on phones, tablets and computer etc etc This allows the audience to binge watch whatever TV show at whatever time. 


1) Introduction to TV Drama
2) Capital: Case study
3) Capital: Marxism and Hegemony
4) Capital: Applying Marxism
5) Deutschland 83: Case study
6) Deutschland 83: Close-textual analysis notes
7) Deutschland 83: Postmodernism
8) Industries: The rise of foreign-language TV dramas
9) Industries: The impact of new/digital media on television
10) TV: 750-word exam question

Sunday, April 28, 2019

TV: 750 words exam question

Question 1
“Realism is a vital component of television drama”. To what extent does an analysis of your television close-study products support this view? [25 marks]

Deucschland 83 agrees with this statement that realism is a vital component of television drama as it shows alot hyper reality and pastiche. Pastiche is shown through deucshland 83 having alot of possession of military equipment and speeches on the TV reflecting the cold war from both east and the west side. This allows the audience to relate to the real world as it the items or places used exhibit reference to real life crimes. Deutschland 83 also shows hyperreality as they copy or reenact real situations or location which are better than the original. For example, the Houses used are not really modernized due to their dull and dim colours which connote ancient and outdated. Furthermore, it has a sense of bricolage due to the juxtaposition of old and new places. This is portrayed through the difference Between east and west Germany. The west is the more wealthy and liberated side of Germany therefore, would involve rich source of equipment and luxurious place that the east hasn’t seen.  The audience get a sense of nostalgia of the 1980s culture which is further reinforced through the music used in the east as it fits the the culture perfectly. Moreover, the conflict between Communist and the Capitalist side conveys a sense of realism as it acts as a surveillance for the audience. The audience are taught about the Cold War and how did Germany split into to two nations. This implies some social and historical content as it educations young teenagers about the Cold War.

In addition, the typical stereotypes used also convey a sense of realism due to them stereotypes being able to relate to other texts. For example, Deutschland 83 reinforces typical male stereotypes as they are shown to be robust, brave and courageous. The audience can interpret that in many other film text such as James Bond. Intersexuality plays a key part in agreeing that realism is a vital component of television drama since having reference to non fictional movies can evoke voyeuristc pleasures for the audience as they have more movies to correspond to. Another stereotype that reflects realism is the representation of  family in Dueschland 83, the TV show consists of conflict between states however family plays a big role as well since the main character puts his family before everything. The audience could gain personal identity and relate to the scenarios in real life.

Another television close study product that supports this view is Capital. Capital is a state of nation drama and reflects many stereotypes of the middle class. The characters in Capital take London as granted and a place where they can relax and only provide for their family and not for London. On the other hand, you see the immigration in society, they are more caring and kind heartened than those who lived in London their entire life. For example Quentina, who is an immigrant, serves more love and care for London than London people ever could even though they face a lot of trouble trying to live a good life. Also the Asian family are seen to be kind-hearted and generous which subverts typical Asian stereotypes as they should be depicted as terrorist. However, in capital they are not shown in that type of way as they supply vegetables to Arabella who are in the upper class in the society. This links back to realism since these are raised in Capital but still an ongoing problem in todays society.

Some may argue that capital doesn’t show a sense of realism as its been said that Capital are shown to be using left wing bias, portraying wealthy class people in a negative image. However, Capital have portrayed middle class in such way, in contrast to a positive image representation of multiculturalism and illegal immigrants, which subverts typical TV drama shows.

Overall, Deutschland 83 shows some sense of realism however due to not having the original locations used in the cold war, it doesn't full emphasise the realism since audience may not feel nostalgic enough towards the settings constructed. Therefore, Deutschland 83 doesn't fully represent the cold war but still has some aspects of history which audience may relate to. On the other hand, through the representations and the locations used in Capital show realism as many audience can feel connected to the society in Capital and the society today. London's diversity in capital represents a positive aspect in Capital which is further reinforced in reality.  

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog task

1) Read the section on Strinati's five ways to define postmodernity. What examples are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society (media-isation)?    
 Many examples which have been provided and defines postmodernism such as advertising the quality of the product they are selling as they can make or break a company irrespective.Where once the reality of the product would create its success or failure (e.g. how well it worked), now the media reality of advertising determines the success of products.
2) What is Fredric Jameson's idea of 'historical deafness'? How can the idea of 'historical deafness' be applied to Deutschland 83?
Related to this, according to Jameson, is the idea of historical deafness. He argues that as mediaization increases so the culture finds itself losing a sense of historical context. History is now reduced to ‘talking heads’ documentaries and historical knowledge is often based on media representations.
3) What examples and theories are provided for the idea of 'style over substance'? people are influenced more towards the brand rather than the actual quality of the product, leading the audience to say high prices for these clothings. 
big brother is another example as it can help relaunch celebrities careers. 

4) What examples from music are provided for the breakdown of the distinction between art and popular culture? Can this be applied to Deutschland 83?

In postmodern culture Andy Warhol created multi-coloured prints of the Mona Lisa (high art) and Campbell’s soup cans (low art)
Pop music (low art) often samples classical music (high art)
Advertising (low art) often makes reference to visual art (high art) or uses classical music (high art) to help sell its products"- Media Magazine

5) What is bricolage? What examples of bricolage can be found in Deutschland 83?   
The idea of mixing references is referred to as bricolage. Bricolage refers to the process of adapting and juxtaposing old and new texts, images, ideas or narratives to produce whole new meanings. An example of this in Deutschland 83 is the conventions of the sub-genre of spy. It looks like they are trying to bits of James Bond, as this was a spy narrative.

  6) How can the audience pleasures of Deutschland 83 be linked to postmodernism? Read 'The decline of meta-narratives' and 'Media texts and the postmodern' to help answer this.
In Deutschland 83 there are many links to postmodernism such as nostalgia because of how they used examples such as food,  and the walkman which was a special product during the 80's as it was a new form of technology. 

7) Read the analysis of media concepts and postmodern approaches on page 3 of the factsheet. Choose three of the concepts and write an example from Deutschland 83. Clue: genre, representation, ideology and audience would all be good options for this task.

"Postmodern texts play with genre codes and subvert them. Sometimes this is as simple as constructing a text that is a hybrid – a mix of more than one genre. In more complex texts the genre can be difficult to identify    
Representation A postmodern representation subverts expectations. Contemporary texts often play
with conventional ideas in representations such as creating an immoral hero or a sympathetic villain. In Deutschland 83, the representation is to portray Martin as the hero, as he is saving his mother by doing this mission, and also fighting for his country aswell. 
 believe all audiences will enjoy this show as for the older audiences I believe they will feel a strong sense of nostalgia as the most probably will have lived through this time period and will notice things like Ronald Reagan's famous Evil Empire speech.
8) Now look at page 4 of the factsheet. How does Deutschland 83 demonstrate aspects of the postmodern in its construction and ideological positioning?
Modern texts demonstrate aspects of the postmodern in their construction and/or ideological positioning these texts can be seen to be part of postmodern culture. The spy scene may be an example demonstrating construction and ideological positioning  in Deutschland 83 as only the key moments of the spying scene is made to the final edit in order to seem much more realistic to audiences and provide them with much more pleasures. 
9) Which key scenes from Deutschland 83 best provide examples of postmodernism? Why?
When Martin was training it was a good example of post modernism as his training is comparable to that of a James Bond montage sequence. The intertexuality mixing with mise-en-scene reinforces the realism making it a good example of postmodernism.
10) Why might audiences enjoy the postmodern aspects of Deutschland 83? What audience pleasures might elements of bricolage or pastiche provide viewers?
A audience pleasure provided is the element of pastiche which refers to media products that imitate the style of another text, artist or time period. Pastiche is an example of intertextuality and takes a positive view of the original source, this is done through key historical events.

TV: Deutschland 83 case study

Reviews and features

Read the following reviews and features on Deutschland 83:

The Guardian - Your next box set: Deutschland 83
Daily Telegraph review
The Guardian - Deutschland 83 Pity the Germans don't like it

1) What positive aspects of Deutschland 83 are highlighted in the reviews?

The plot of the first episode was really simple to understand. Deutschland 83, which premiered at last year’s festival, has gone on to become an international success story, with rave reviews and  bloggers 

2) What criticisms are made of the show?
He deployed his not very glamorous training in lock-breaking. It was hardly a patch on Q's sessions with James Bond.
Communist East Germany now looks like another planet: the orange curtains, the cheap clothes, the pathetic excitement of teenagers at listening to illicit western pop music

3) Why did the Telegraph suggest that Deutschland 83 did the 'period' aspect of 'period drama' so well?
This is a period drama that sometimes lacks drama but makes up for it with a deep sense of period.

4) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of Deutschland 83? Do you agree with the comments?

"Superb characterizations and riveting action are leavened by wry humour, making Deutschland delightfully addictive." -  I agree with this comment as I believe the humour has been used effectively, which again allows a strong engagement with the audience.

"It was great far-fetched fun, punctuated by some jolting, very dark set-pieces ,Nice 80s pop culture references and soundtrack too." - the audience could use identification as they could relate to the scene through realism.

"Yet by the time the last episode was shown in Germany last December, it had shed half its starting audience, with only 1.72m viewers. Not quite “the flop of the year”, as Bild called it, but underwhelming nonetheless.'

Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features

Channel 4 News: Matt Frei interviews Jonas Nay


1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany? 
Jonas Nay now values living in Germany and feels more welcomed than before. He is now able to express his opinion more freely than ever. Jonas Nay also goes on saying that hes proud to be a German ; believes that this pride was not always felt, and had less of a connection.

2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted in German with English subtitles. How does this reflect Channel 4's remit as a public service broadcaster and their target audience? (Clue: revise your work on Channel 4 and Public Service Broadcasting here!)
By having German interviews and TV shows in German, allows Channel 4 to reach a wider audience  and more  diverse in the film industry. Also it educates their loyal fans to learn different cultures. 

3) Interviewer Matt Frei asks about the current political situation in Germany. Why might this interest the Channel 4 News audience?
Matt Frei, asks about the current political situation in Germany to engage with audience members who are interested in politics, but also in a different country to get a different perspective on how politics is treated in a different country barring UK. Also, this allows audience members to find out about current affairs in a different country.

Behind the scenes clips

The All4 website has a range of clips from behind the scenes of Deutschland 83. Watch the following:

Making Of: Why Should You Watch Deutschland 83
Watch this short promotional clip for Deutschland 83.

1) Why should audiences watch Deutschland 83 - what does the clip offer viewers?
There are many reasons why audiences should watch Deutschland 83 because it appeals to both the younger and the older generation, due to the narrative being really straightforward and easy to understand. Furthermore, it gives an insight of what briefly happened during the cold war. 

2) Why is history an important aspect of the appeal of the show?
History is very important aspect of the appeal of the show because it teaches young teenagers that lack knowledge of German history and also reminds the older generation that are familiar with the cold war how Germany was divided. 

3) What technical aspects are highlighted in the video?
The technical aspects highlighted in the video are cinematography ,costuming and production design. These are the main focus for the show to make it look as realistic and more engaging to the audience as possible. This can be done through the high budget they are allocated for the series, and this will enhance things such as product design to make it as real as possible. Without, these technical aspects the show would not have been as successful as they would have liked.

Making Of: Set Design
Watch this interview with Production designer Lars Lange.

1) Why were the set design, costume and props so important for Deutschland 83?
Set design, costume and props are so important for Deutchland 83 because its used to create realism and nostalgia for the audience that live in Germany. Costumes are also used so the audience can get a better understanding of the narrative if there is synergy between the set design and the story line. 
2) How historically accurate was the setting, costume and props?
The costumes and props were historically accurate is it fit the location and scene perfectly. However the settings were that accurate since most locations were top secret whenever involving the military in Germany. But the transition between the west and east costumes were amazing. 

3) Why were the props, costumes and music such a key audience pleasure for Deutschland 83?
Props, costumes and the music are such key audience pleasures for deutschland 83 because it creates a sense of realism and engages the audience more. The meaning of the narrative would be enhanced  due to the set design and costume and the extra music would create nostalgia for the audience that have lived in Germany.

Textual analysis: trailer


1) The opening of the trailer uses sound and editing to draw the audience in. Explain why this is effective.
The use of sound and editing draws the audience effectively. The use of fast pace editing grips the audience in wanting more, it also allows the audience to interpret what genre it will be, as from the trailer there is hints of thriller, action, sci-fi and also romance. The use of sound in the background also matches the fast pace editing. 2) What audience pleasures are suggested by the trailer? Think about Uses & Gratifications theory (Blumler and Katz).
There are a lot of action scenes being shown throughout the trailer which offers vicarious pleasures as audiences, especially younger audiences enjoy to see action scenes or just general use of things like explosions and weapons. Personal relationships can also be formed as we are following a single character through the trailer as he run, fights and tries to fulfill his goal.

3) How does the trailer use action and enigma codes (Barthes) to encourage the audience to watch the show?
 The trailer uses Barthes action and enigma codes in order to engage the audience. For example, the action codes when Martin is running away and fighting people, also act as enigma codes.

4) Pick three shots/scenes from the trailer that capture the spy thriller sub-genre. Why might this appeal to an audience? Try and apply Neale's genre theory 'repetition and difference' (the original notes on genre theory are here).
 0.14- This captures the spy thriller sub-genre as it looks like he is running away from who he is meant to obedient towards, this reinforces the thriller and action will is going to take place within the show, which creates a very appealing impression to audience members, as they are asking themselves questions, such as,Why is he running?.etc, this is effective as the director is putting easter eggs into the trailer to get the audience engaged and wanting to watch more.

5) Pick three examples of mise-en-scene from the trailer that capture the 1983 setting the confirm the sub-genre of period drama. Why might this appeal to an audience? 
 0.47- This is another example of mise-en-scene, with the use of costume. In this clip it is showing a mask on a person, which indicates that something bad is going to happen. Also, it creates tension for the audience watching as the mask is representing something bad happening, which correlates to the genre of action, as the mask could have connotations of a villain, and someone who is trying to cause disequilibrium to the story line.

6) The trailer uses the song 'Two Tribes' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Why did the producers select this soundtrack for the trailer?
 This is because the song was released in the 1980s therefore it fits the time period extremely well, therefore certain viewers may feel nostalgic when hearing this music as they may have grown up to it.

7) The only words heard in the trailer are in English. Why do you think the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue?
The trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue is because certain audience members could have seen the German in the trailer and been put off by it, and therefore not wanting to view it, even though they may not have to have tried it.I believe this is done in order to captivate audiences better as audiences from England will be less interested if they hear an entire trailer in a language they don't speak or understand

Production and industry context

Deutschland 83 was produced by German production company UFA Fiction and distributed internationally by FremantleMedia International. It was broadcast on RTL (Germany), SundanceTV (US) and Channel 4 (UK) as well as many other broadcasters around the world.

1) What kind of company is UFA Fiction and what shows have they produced? 
UFA Fiction is a company founded in August 2013 for fiction film and television productions of the UFA based in Potsdam-Babelsberg. The shows that UFA Fiction have produced are: 
Deutschland 86 (2018) TV-MA | 60 min | Action, Drama, History. ...
Deutschland 83 (2015) 42 min | Drama, History, Romance. ...
Charité (2017– ) TV-MA | 45 min | Drama, History. ...
The Physician (2013) ...
The Same Sky (2017– ) ...
Hackerville (2018) ...
Der Junge muss an die frische Luft (2018) ...
Ku'damm 56 (2016– )

2) What kind of company is Freemantle Media International and what do they produce?
Is a british international television content and production/distribution subsidiary of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, founded in 2001, and evolved as Europe's largest TV, radio, and production company. Its world head-quarters are located in London. The movies and shows fremantlemedia have produced are:
Escape to the country 
The apprentice: You're Fired 
An hour to save your life 
Great American Railroad journeys
The Apprentice 
is a British international television content and production/distribution subsidiary of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, founded in 2001, and evolved as Europe's largest TV, radio, and production company. Its world headquarters are located in London.

3) How does Deutschland 83 reflect the international nature of television production?
Deutschland 83 reflects the international nature of television production, due to it being published and broadcasted in the UK, reflects the international nature of this television production, and also it being such a success makes it even better.

is a British international television content and production/distribution subsidiary of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, founded in 2001, and evolved as Europe's largest TV, radio, and production company. Its world headquarters are located in London.
is a British international television content and production/distribution subsidiary of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, founded in 2001, and evolved as Europe's largest TV, radio, and production company. Its world headquarters are located in London.
is a British international television content and production/distribution subsidiary of Bertelsmann's RTL Group, founded in 2001, and evolved as Europe's largest TV, radio, and production company. Its world headquarters are located in London.

Walter Presents

Watch this Channel 4 trailer for their Walter Presents international drama.

1) How does Channel 4 introduce 'Walter'?
Channel 4 introduces Walter as professional and thoughtful artist who takes time and pride in his work to give channel for a TV show completely different from the previous. Therefore, Channel 4 audience are aware of Walter's talents and would know before the TV show is released that is going to be good. 

2) What audience are Channel 4 trying to appeal to with the 'Walter Presents' series?
Channel 4 would target a niche audience since the TV show 'Walter Presents' creates are very challenging and have a difficult narrative. Walter Presents presents TV shows with narratives explained in numerous of languages therefore, i believe the audience would be in the ABC1 due to them being intellectual enough to read subtitles are understand another language than English. 

3) How does the 'Walter Presents' series reflect the changing nature of television in the digital age?
'Walter Presents' series reflects the changing nature of television in the digital age as it is now on demand rather than being broadcast ed  on television. The series can be accessed online therefore attracts more audiences as there is more availability. From this, you can tell that the digital age is evolving.

Marketing and promotion

Read the Channel 4 press pack interview with writer Anna Winger. (If the link doesn't work, you can find the text from the interview here). 

1) How did she use the historical context and real-life events to create a successful drama?
One reason how she used real life events to create a successful drama is through a lot of research which was all based on facts. They used timelines of real events and the real political climate as a back drop.  

2) Anna Winger discusses the use of music. Why might the soundtrack attract an audience?
Music was key to the story from the beginning. Music videos started around that time as well, so there was a visual component for the very first time. Fashion, hair styles and colour palette, suddenly became a part of the 1980’s music experience. The real life events occurred during the world of music was innovating therefore, using those soundtracks attracts a large  number of people who are similar when videos were released with music. 

Read this Channel 4 press release on the success of Deutschland 83. (If the link doesn't work you can find find the text from the article here).

3) List the key statistics concerning audience figures. Why is considered the most successful foreign language drama?
After launching with 1.49 million viewers, the first episode has now consolidated with 2.5 million viewers, overtaking the launch of The Returned (9th June 2013) on Channel 4 which previously held the record with 2.2 million. This is why Deutchland 83 is considered the most successful foreign language drama. 

4) How does the news release describe the drama?
Reviews such as: “It’s only January but let’s call it already: coolest show of the year.”,“This is the next subtitled sensation……..unmissable TV.”,“This pacy saga could be your new subtitled obsession.” and “Evocative and gripping.”  describe the drama as being expectational. 

International marketing

Look at these two different marketing campaigns - the UK DVD release (left) and the American Sundance TV advert (right).

1) How does the UK DVD cover communicate the sub-genre of the drama?
The UK DVD cover communicates that the sub-genre of the drama depicts that the two states are completely different since the east side is Communist and the west sides are Capitalist. The main image is surprised by the beauty of the west Germany but according to the props, the soldier is still determined to save the east Germany. There is intertexuality with movies such as the bond series as the main character is seen as a spy.

2) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the UK DVD cover. What does it communicate to the audience?
The setting of the wall dividing both west and east Germany suggests that conflict is still around and the writing written on the wall portrays a Bond genre of going under cover. Furthermore, the uniform is very formal connoting bravery and honour due to the main character serving his state.    

3) How does the American branding use font, colour and graphics to appeal to an audience?
The colours used are very vibrant to catch the audience attention and also some graphics are constructed to create a sense of pastiche. The place and location used as the background show reference to reality which audience can relate and be amazed since it looks better than the original. 

4) Why might the distributors Freemantle Media International have used different marketing campaigns in different countries?
 They may have used different marketing campaigns as certain things may be attractive in different countries. The contrast in poster could indicate the two different target audiences the UK and the US are going for. For example, the UK poster is more bland and dull, which could suggest that their target audience is more of a older generation who do not really take notice of how aesthetically pleasing the poster is,

Print magazine and Video production

Media production Print Magazine